LOKI Tesla Odometer Adjustment

LOKI Version 2.6.0

Version 2.6.0, what’s new:

  • Secured Config MS\MX MCU1\2, works only with dumps read through PEMicro
  • Added Live Data and DTC removal function for MS THC
  • Added key learning for MS\X AMD
  • Added reset of Immo and Mothership key for MS (MCU1\2)
  • Added ability to edit the odometer upwards for M3\Y (in case it resets to 0)
  • Improved MS key learning procedure, no need for jumper on the relay anymore (details in the manual)
  • Fixed the operation of the car updater
  • Fixed Live Data for BMS M3\Y
  • Fixed key learning for M3\Y, mobile app now works properly

For Secured Config MCU1\2 you need to read the dump with a third-party programmer, because our standard cable was not originally designed for MPC5668.
Pemicro Multilink Universal is the best (Multilink FX reads and writes unstably). After reading/writing this chip, you should run validation, because these programmers have been noticed to have glitches in the form of writing/reading garbage.
Keys for MS\X AMD are currently working in test mode, please contact us in case of any problems.

The version has already been sent to all devices, connect it to WiFi and check the update button.

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